Tag Archives: Jesus

Away – Poem

John Heironimus

The original/placeholder title of this poem was Wander Not, I Beseech Thee. I wrote this poem on November 1, 2023. I selected it, somewhat at random, as my first post on Welling Up.


Away, away, I’ve drifted away

I no longer feel as I should today 

What’s this I have done in my fear or pride?

Oh how I wish it was no longer inside

Away, away, I’ve been looking away

When I should be gazing upon His face

I say “nothing’s better than reading His Word”

But when called by conviction I pretend I’ve not heard 

Away, away, I’ve pushed them away

The ones who might help me through this fray

I fear that I will be left all alone

Questioning myself and all that I’ve done


And then I’m reminded, my worth is not me

My worth is not found in what man’s eye can see

My worth is not based on what I have done 

My only worth comes from God’s only Son

Bare cross, empty tomb, victorious King

Saints all to Him their golden crowns bring

Thrice holy Lamb is worshipped by all

At His feet the faithful ones fall


Away, away, He washed it away

No longer must I from my Savior stray

In His arms he holds me fast

And guides me till I’m home at last